Wednesday, March 11, 2015

DJ Funkenstein's Party Playlist: Post 15: Rob Zombie- Living Dead Girl

Big hair causing big problems.

Hello again, fans of monster-themed music! DJ Funkenstein coming at you from his creepy undeground studio and I've got another video to add to the party playlist. This one comes from White Zombie alum, Rob Zombie and was probably one of his biggest hits. The song is a ready-made party anthem and the video features ghouls, monsters, strange backdrops and some insanely hot pale chicks. You're gonna love it!

Rob Zombie- "Living Dead Girl"

Well, that one just gets you going, doesn't it? Anyway, that's all for this week, but stop by next time and check out another edition of DJ Funkenstein's Party Playlist. Oh, and keep an eye out for a lot of new interviews coming out from the rest of the Everyone Dies guys. It's convention season and they're keeping very busy. Rock on!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

MonsterPuke Theatre Presents: HE TOOK HIS SKIN OFF FOR ME

Hello, hello again. Welcome back, I'm your host. Sorry about last week, I was feeling a bit... under the soil. Tonight, we bring you a special scary story about stripping away skin. What does it mean to be in love? Possibly to peel your pores from your parts? To flay your fingers and feet and face? Would you?...... Anyways, as aforementioned, directed by Ben Aston, MonsterPuke Theatre Presents:


See you again next week. 
- Your Host

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

DJ Funkenstein's Party Playlist: Post 14: Ghost BC- Monstrance Clock

Uh-oh, the DJ seems to have found his funky love!

Welcome back folks, to DJ Funkenstein's Party Playlist! I'm DJ Funkenstein, your guide through the world of rockin' tunes sure to get those undead booties groovin'! This week I have a song for you from a group I hold very near and dear to the cavity where my heart used to reside. It's "Monstrance Clock" from Ghost BC and the video itself is basically just a live performance from one of their shows. And you might be asking, "How in the world could a live performance be scary enough to be featured on the Party Playlist?" to which I would reply, "Have you seen Papa Emeritus?!?" This Swedish "black metal" band is comprised of five hooded musicians and a lead-singer who dresses up as A FREAKING DEMON POPE!!! Just check it out, enjoy it and just try to not be singing along by the end of the song.

Ghost BC- "Monstrance Clock"

I hope you all dig that tune as much as I do and that you'll stop back next week when I have another music video to add to the playlist! Til next time, happy/haunting listening!