Saturday, January 31, 2015

MonsterPuke Theatre Presents: SEBASTIAN'S VOODOO

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. It's me, your host, here to introduce you to another tiny terror here at the MonsterPuke Theatre. This week, we invite you to view a very violent video about voodoo. It's an amazing animation about an awful abuser and an astounding act of altruism, directed by Joaquin Baldwin. So turn out the lights, or don't... MonsterPuke Theatre Presents:


See you next week.
- Your Host

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

DJ Funkenstein's Party Playlist: Post 9: Ozzy Osbourne- Bark at the Moon

Looks like Funkenstein finally found a friend with common undead interests!

Hello again, to all my creepy, half-dead fans! As promised, I have a throwback jam from a few decades ago from rock god, Ozzy Osbourne. It's "Bark at the Moon" and what's not to love about this video?! It's got a mad scientist, a werewolf, a decomposing corpse and not one, but two, scorching guitar solos! Also, lets talk about that awesome chugging guitar riff throughout. It's certain to put some hair on your chest (and the rest of your body, if you too are afflicted with lycanthropy.) Anyway, enjoy!

Ozzy Osbourne- "Bark at the Moon"

That's all for this week folks, but check back next week for another addition to the Party Playlist and check out our Facebook and drop us a like (is that what the kids are saying nowadays?) if you dig what we're doing. Until next week!

-DJ Funkenstein

Saturday, January 24, 2015

MonsterPuke Theatre Presents: NIGHT OF THE LITTLE DEAD

Welcome back once again to the MonsterPuke Theatre, your host here. Tonights topic is a terrifying tale about the tiny. A small story about frightened fishermen fighting to save their friends from a formidable foe. Directed by Frank Ippolito and Ezekiel Zabrowski Without further ado, MonsterPuke Theatre Presents:


See you soon, bwahahahaha.
-Your Host

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

DJ Funkenstein's Party Playlist: Post 8: CRUISR- All Over

Welcome back to DJ Funkenstein's subterranean party pit!

Hello and welcome back to DJ Funkenstein's Party Playlist! I've got a good one this week folks! The song is called "All Over," by the Philadelphia-based pop-rock group CRUISR and it is catchy as can be. But what really makes the video shine are the beautifully simplistic animations of some of the greatest movie characters of all time, from Jason Vorhees to the alien....ya know, from Alien. Keep an eye out for the fantastic transitions from one character to the next (including Funkenstein's personal favorite; the transition from No Country for Old Men to The Exorcist!) Enjoy!

CRUISR- "All Over"

That's all for this week, gang, but make sure you check back next week when I'll be posting a throwback jam that'll be sure to get you howling! Check out our Facebook page and like us, if you do like us, that is. Happy grooves, y'all!  

Saturday, January 17, 2015

MonsterPuke Theatre Presents: & TELLER

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. It's your host, again. Welcome back to the MonsterPuke Theatre. This week we bring you a sad story about showbiz and such. Teller tells a terrifying tale about... well.. you'll see. MonsterPuke Theatre Presents:


I hope to see you again soon, here at the MonsterPuke Theatre.
- Your Host

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Memes! Come get your fresh, delicious horror memes!

So, in case you guys haven't noticed from our incessant Facebook bombardment, we've been working on some funny little memes that are all horror-centric. This is our first collection, but seeing as they're incredibly fun (not to mention, very quick and easy to make) you can expect to see many more on the way soon!





 High Tension

Jacob's Ladder

Jennifer's Body



Rawhead Rex

That's all for now, but as mentioned before, I'm sure you can expect a steady stream of these bad boys in the future. Hit up our Facebook and let us know what you think and be sure to like the page while you're there. 

The EDATE crew

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

DJ Funkenstein's Party Playlist: Post 7: Pogo- Crimson

Sometimes Funkenstein parties a little too hard, then this happens...

Welcome back to another ghoulishly groovy edition of DJ Funkenstein's party playlist. This week's music video comes from Australian electronic artist/producer Pogo (Nick Bertke) who likes to sample clips from his favorite movies and television shows to create incredibly textured and intricate songs. And lucky for us, one of these shows is the deliciously violent Dexter. Turn up your bass, pump up the volume and be sure to listen for the ample use of a sampled stabbing sound. Brilliant!

Pogo- "Crimson"

That's all for this week, fiendish folks! Hope you enjoyed this addition to the Party Playlist. Be sure to check back next week for more terrifying tunes and like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Frankenstein, Art, Movies and Chit Chat

Hello Bloggers! Today I wanna discuss my all time favorite movie monster Frankenstein. Also known as Adam, named after the biblical first man.
The reanimated corpse sewn together from the parts of other men with a consciousness that may or may not be his own,  a misunderstood man or monster. This story has become a timeless classic and kept my imagination going to this day. 
In my depiction of this character I wanted to show a softer side to a behemoth giant that could kill this little girl with one squeeze. I decided to remove his nose to hammer home the corpse aspect and gave him a turn of the century steam punk life support system build right into his back as appose to the one time shock treatment that might make his muscle and sinew twitch for a minute or so. This was a fun subject to work on and is but step one of the process, stay tuned for the final colored version to come.
While creating this piece I couldn't help but think of the timeless classic from which I drew my inspiration. The 1931 movie Frankenstein, Boris Karloff played this legendary monster to a tee, his performance will always be solidified in my memory along with the drive to the local library as a kid to rent the old classics and watch them in awe. 
The most gritty and real life adaptation of this story in my opinion has to be the 1994 Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, in which Robert DeNiro gives a unexpectedly compelling performance as the Monster. When thinking of who to cast in this role, Robert DeNiro honestly wouldn't have come to most peoples mind, but after steller performances playing non-mobster roles in movies like The Mission, DeNiro gives you a creature you feel all but pity, love and hate.
A Frankenstein-esque movie that has come out recently is called Frankensteins Army. A psychopath doctor who takes over a town and creates his own brand of Nazi zombies is a concept to ridiculous not to work. The story is pretty original and I am always delighted to see practical effects in place of most CG. The movie does a solid job of keeping you involved but falls a little short in places. The originality of the thirty something unique monster creations with retro art deco robotics fused on to their bodies does make for a compelling visual despite the lapse in overall story. Not the best movie or the worst I have seen but is defiantly worth a viewing. 
I hope you have enjoyed this update. If you have any suggestions, remarks or questions about my artwork or movie reviews please leave them below. See you guys next time!

My Frankenstein Sketch
8x10 pen ink and pencil
Step 1 of process
4 hours

Frankenstein's Army Concept Creature Art

Saturday, January 10, 2015

MonsterPuke Theatre Presents: DEAD MAN'S LAKE

Be careful, watch your step. We don't want you getting lost, now. I'm your host, welcoming you once again to the MonsterPuke Theatre. Tonight, we will be frightening you with a fable about fireworks, fear, and fatality. A creepy canard about careless campers getting caught up in a consternate case of miscommunication . Written by Joel Morgan and Directed by Ben Franklin for BloodyCutsUK. MonsterPuke Theatre Presents:


See you soon.
- Your Host

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

DJ Funkenstein's Party Playlist: Post 6: The Toadies- Possum Kingdom

DJ Funkenstein rocks out on his drum kit! 
(Fun Fact: His sticks are made from widdled-down shin bones!)

Welcome back, little ghoulies! This week DJ Funkenstein has a throwback jam from way back in the mid 90's. Back then Funkenstein was little more than a mewling toddler of a corpse and this music video sure taught him a thing or two about getting the heebie-jeebies! It's got heaps of creepy imagery (i.e. a body being dragged through the woods), a really catchy guitar riff and some pretty disturbing lyrics too! Please enjoy!

"Possum Kingdom" by The Toadies

That's all for this week, but be sure to check back next week for a brand new installment of DJ Funkenstein's Party Playlist! I hope you enjoyed the first post of the new year and that you keep up to date on the newest EDATE happenings! 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

MonsterPuke Theatre Presents: THRESHER

Welcome back to the MonsterPuke Theatre. Your host here, inviting you to join us for another tiny terror. This week, a man locked in a lovely library looking for a way to leave instead finds a few fantastic fiends and fumbles into to a frightening finale. Directed by Mike Diva. MonsterPuke Theatre Presents:


Farewell my friends, for now.
- Your Host